
The information on our website must be accessible to everyone. Everyone in the Netherlands (and elsewhere) is entitled to information about their consumer rights. This, of course, also applies to people with disabilities, and to people who visit this website with, for example, a smartphone. That is why we want to present the information on this website in such a way that any visitor can easily read and digest it.

What is an accessible website?

An accessible website is able to be used by visitors with visual or motoric disabilities. That is why the ‘Tijdelijk Besluit Digitale Toegankelijkheid Overheid‘ stipulates that government sites must meet accessibility requirements as laid down in WCAG 2.1 and must be responsible for this in a published accessibility statement.

Declaration of agreement was signed on 26-06-2022 for ‘read and agreed’ with the consent of the responsible director of the municipality of Almere.

The topicality, completeness and correctness of this statement were last revised on 26-06-2022.

Substantiation of the accessibility statement

The accessibility statement for has been constructed based on testing by an independent review agency. The findings of this research included in the most recent research report.


Are you not satisfied with the accessibility of this website? Via you can tell us what we can do to improve the accessibility of this website.

What can you expect from us?

  • You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 5 working days.
  • We will inform you about the progress and the outcome.
  • Your request will be processed within 3 weeks.

Enforcement procedure

Are you not satisfied with the way your complaint has been handled? Or did we not respond in time? Then you can contact the website of the National Ombudsman.

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